Our time of Advent is winding down. Soon, Christmas Day will be upon us. Over two thousand years ago, our Lord and Savior was born. We wait now for the returning King to be merciful to His people just as He promised.
In Mary’s Magnificat, she extols the character of the Lord, God her Savior, glorifying His humility, mercy, greatness, and holiness. Perhaps Mary was remembering the writings of the Prophet Isaiah as he described the coming Lord. This Branch would bear fruit, and the Spirit of the LORD would be on Him.
What a difference in descriptions we often see in our current world: the rulers and leaders who are in positions of great power versus the King of Kings who came to earth, in humility as a babe, a shoot from the stump of Jesse.
Isaiah elaborates that out of the roots of the Davidic line, a shoot will grow, and from that, a Branch will bear fruit. The Spirit of the LORD will rest on Him. He will have wisdom, understanding, counsel and might, knowledge and fear of the LORD, and delight in the fear (reverence) of the LORD. Unfortunately, many rulers in our world are self-seeking, fearful, and cruel, yet our Lord is none of these things.
Jesus’ character is filled with the Spirit of the LORD, and as a leader, He is filled with wisdom in His ability to rule, known for His strength (Luke 1:51), and with His mighty arm, He rules in complete power and authority. The Davidic Dynasty is now fulfilled through the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Luke 1:54-55).
Can you sing a song glorifying the greatness of the Lord this Christmas? How has the Lord led you to know wisdom, understanding, and counsel this past year? We often let life circumstances overwhelm our souls, cloud our vision, and cause us to question God’s goodness to us. May we be steadfast people trusting in a Sovereign God who keeps His promises and cares for His people from generation to generation (Luke 1:50).
Lord, help me delight in You. When I can’t see where Your hand is taking me, help me trust Your heart. Be merciful to this humble servant. Amen

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