Mary’s Song
Mary’s song of praise continues to bring to mind the many ways God has shown Himself faithful to His people. In her song, she praises the Lord for His mercy from generation to generation. Then she extols Him for performing mighty deeds with His arm…but He has lifted up the humble.
That’s what she was. A humble young teenage girl. Of no respect, undeserving, and insignificant in her society. Yet God reached down and touched her life, and she would forever be immortalized as the mother of Jesus Christ. Her pain at birth would only be a sampling of the pain she would experience in her life as she watched her beloved son, tortured and beaten, hung to die on a rugged cross.
But God, gentle in His care for His sheep, used His great and mighty arm to bring down the prideful, those rulers who abused their power from their thrones. Her son, born in a rustic makeshift manger fit only for cattle and sheep, would one day be the Shepherd of the world. When once she cradled Him in her arms, He would one day gather and cradle His flock.
What a beautiful picture of a humble servant girl giving birth to the Servant Shepherd. As you prepare your heart this Advent season, humbly come before your Good Shepherd. Thank Him for lifting you up in His mighty arms. He gently cares for the lowly and the hungry. May you acknowledge your daily need for Him as He gathers you closely to His heart.