Our time of Advent is winding down. Soon, Christmas Day will be upon us. Over two thousand years ago, our Lord and Savior was born. We wait now for the returning King to be merciful to His people just as He promised. In Mary’s Magnificat, she extols the character of the Lord, God her Savior, glorifying His humility, mercy, greatness, …
Beautiful Feet…Good News
I recently traveled to my home state for a visit with some friends. What joy to stay with them, talking late and waking early to share morning coffee. As I would go to another person’s house, the questions were almost consistently the same. “How is Dave? How are you doing? Have you found a church? What have you gotten involved …
Mary’s Song
Mary’s song of praise continues to bring to mind the many ways God has shown Himself faithful to His people. In her song, she praises the Lord for His mercy from generation to generation. Then she extols Him for performing mighty deeds with His arm…but He has lifted up the humble. That’s what she was. A humble young teenage girl. …
We enter the time of Advent. The time of the arrival has come. Have you ever been in a place of great expectation? Anticipating the arrival of someone or something? Last week, I was fluctuating between anticipation and excitement as I waited for my daughters and sons-in-law to arrive for a long Thanksgiving weekend. Because of our crazy schedules, we …
“The sun comes up. It’s a new day dawning…10,000 reasons for my heart to find” It’s the beginning of sunrise in my part of the world. It’s that moment when light begins to emerge from the darkness of night. Contemplating how Jesus was sent into a world full of darkness to be the light, my heart suddenly felt overwhelmed with …
The sunsets here in SE Arizona have become spectacular since we entered the autumn season. Although, by the temperatures which still are at about 100°, you wouldn’t know it. Sometimes, seasons are like that. Summer blends into autumn, and winter blends into spring. Happiness blends into grief, and frustration blends into joy. Emotions get muddy, and life is confusing. Things …
“Lord, God of Israel, You are righteous, for we survive as a remnant today. Here we are before You with our guilt, though no one can stand in Your presence because of this.” Ezra 9:15 HSCB A remnant of Israelites had been allowed to return to Jerusalem after long captivity in Babylon. God had called Ezra to minister to the …
Look Up
In Numbers 21:4-9, the children of Israel rebelled against God and were punished for their sins by being bitten by fiery serpents. Many people died. Moses interceded on behalf of the people, and God provided a remedy, salvation, for them. He told Moses to make a brass serpent and lift it up for everyone to see. If they looked up …
Love was when God became a Man
Love Was When God Became A Man, Locked In Time And Space, Without Rank Or Place; Love Was God Born Of Jewish Kin; Just A Carpenter With Some Fishermen; Love Was When Jesus Walked In History, Lovingly He Brought A New Life That’s Free, Love Was God Nailed To Bleed And Die To Reach And Love One Such As …
Hope. A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. “I hope you have a good time.” “I hope you feel better soon.” “I hope you get what you want.” Hope is a four-lettered word that carries so much meaning, especially this time of year. I’ve been on the road speaking at several women’s Christmas events. Listening …
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