A Little Encouragement Goes a Long Way
“I’m proud of you.”
“You happen to be one of the strongest women I know.”
“I want you to know that I miss you!”
“I learn so much when you teach me!”
“Thank you for being my piano teacher. I love you!”
These are some texts I have bookmarked on my phone to remind me when I need encouragement. Some days seem to drain the life out of me, so when I need a pick-me-up, I scroll through my texts from family and friends that encourage me.
What sticks out to me in this verse is that the Apostle Paul gives a command, not a suggestion. We are told that because of everything that Jesus Christ has done for us and because the Day of the Lord is coming (v. 2), we are to “encourage one another and build each other up”.
As a piano teacher, one of the many ways I encourage my students is by the written word. If I notice a student struggling with a difficult day, I’ll jot a note in their notebook so they can always go back and look at what I wrote. But this year, I’ve got a younger student who has begun leaving me notes of encouragement. While she waits for her older brothers, she’ll sit at my desk, write me several notes, and leave them for me to find when I’m done teaching. These notes are very precious and mean so much to me. Her kind words energize me when I’m having a challenging day teaching.
How much more then should we, the children of God, encourage each other as we find ourselves pressed in by the demands of our jobs, health situations, family discord, complicated relationships, and more? Friend, be encouraged today that I value you! You are the reason I continue to write. Your private messages are a blessing, and I’m honored to walk this path with you.