Be a Blessing
It all started with little things. Basic household needs to get started in his new apartment. We had extra kitchen items, so it was easy to be willing to share. Then one day the need was greater…He needed a refrigerator.
You see, when the ‘Flood of OH-18″ hit our family, destroying many of our belongings, another family stepped up and blessed us with a refrigerator when we needed one and couldn’t afford to purchase at the time. It’s been a blessing to us for almost 5 years. That family didn’t even know us and yet in their sacrificial giving, gave us a fridge.
Now when there was a great need for someone else, we were finally in a position of “paying it forward” by blessing this young man. Now, lest you think he asked us outright, he didn’t. We found out he had this need, knew he was struggling to make ends meet, and immediately jumped on the blessings train to bless him.
Jesus gives us this “measurement” so that we can fully comprehend that whatever measure we use to bless (or not bless) others will return to us. It is a joyous feeling when we are allowed to participate with God in blessing others, whether it’s a monetary gift, a gift of time, a gift of a tangible need…our generosity or stinginess will become the standard by which we are judged by the Lord Himself.
As we prepare to sit around the Thanksgiving table, look around you in your family, your church, or community to who has a need that YOU have the ability to bless. Is it inviting someone who is lonely to eat dinner with you? Perhaps dropping off an extra bag of groceries at your local food pantry or homeless shelter? Maybe it’s making a donation to help with an influx of refugees?
Whatever it is that God is calling you to do, do it! It is when we bless others we can find such joy!
“Give, and it will be given to you; a good measure-pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.” Luke 6:28