Believe the Best

I was a bit of a troublemaker in middle school. I struggled with learning, so I took on the role of the class clown. I used to really act up in my science class. Mr. Cline was often the recipient of my shenanigans, outbursts, and disrespect in some cases.

I hadn’t seen him in 25 years, but when I walked into the community building, he was standing there greeting guests to the town fall fair. My heart began to race and my palms began to sweat. Instantly, I felt shame and regret for my childish behavior. Taking a deep breath, I straightened my shoulders and marched right up to him.

“Mr. Cline, I don’t know if you remember me, but I want you to know that I grew up, married and became a mom.” I blurted out.

“Amy Jo…I had no doubt that you would grow up to be a fine young woman. How are you?” graciously, he grabbed both my hands in his frail fingers. I fought tears and spent several minutes in deep conversation with him.

You see, I had carried the weight of my ill-behavior for years as it ate up my spirit. Feeling like I could never recover from who I once was, to who I became, I struggled to see who I grew to become. Mr. Cline’s simple words of encouragement and belief in me, even as a rebellious teen, buoyed my heart and set me free.

Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5 the importance of encouraging one another. The weight of this world and all that presses in on us can be made easier by lifting each other up in the Lord. Jesus encourages us to “take His yoke on us” and let Him carry our burdens. Paul was encouraging the church in Thessalonica as they served, loved, and worked.

Let us do due diligence by believing the best of others, encouraging and building each other up. Be a blessing to someone today!

Romans 15:2 “Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up.”

#beablessing #exhortoneanother #believethebest #encourage #wordsmatter #seasonswithmysavior #inthesequietmoments