Gentle Shepherd

I am acquainted with a family that has struggled with a domestic situation, financial upheaval, and family discord. While complicated for the entire family, It’s proven to be extra challenging for the youngest members. Her reality is less than what she dreamed it would be and because she doesn’t know how to express herself, she resorts to anger and sobbing.
Although our story is slightly different, when I was her age, it is similar to where Jesus found me. As an eight-year-old, I had been betrayed and abused, and in anger, I began retaliating against those who loved me. But one day, I heard a story about a man who left his 99 sheep to search for one little lost sheep. Then, when the man found the sheep, he tenderly placed it around his shoulders and carried it back to the safety of the sheepfold. So in that story, I felt like I was that little lost lamb, and Jesus had finally found and rescued me.
When Jesus came to earth, He dwelled among the abused and rejected, the outcasts, the sickly and diseased, and the most despicable of sinners. He came to find me…and you. Are you “looking to be found?” Have you been hiding in the corner, feeling alone and scared? Perhaps you’ve been rejected or abandoned? Maybe, because of someone else’s sinfulness, you may have made wrong decisions, taken harmful actions, or engaged in destructive behavior. Perhaps you have already been found. Where did He find you?
Jesus is searching for you even now. He is saddened by the world of sin and those who continually reject Him. He came with a sacrificial love, willing to endure whatever it took to secure your security. The Bible says He loved the world so much that He gave His very life for you. He longs to gather you to Him, carrying you close to His heart, leading you to a better place with a better life found in Him. The gentle Shepherd longs to lead you to Himself.
“Gentle Shepherd, come and lead us
For we need you to help us find our way
Gentle Shepherd, come and feed us
For we need your strength from day to day.”
Song by Gaither Vocal Band