God’s Got This

What’s that thing in your life that causes you sleepless nights, anxious thoughts, upset stomach, and tears? I’m not being flippant in stating this truth, but, Friend, God’s got this. He truly does. Each trial you face doesn’t catch Him unaware. God knows. And in those trials, He wants you to know He’s there.

I know this. I’ve lived this. Through calamity, loss, fear, and grief, God’s walked with me along the way. And after the storm was over, my faith was renewed and my hope restored.

Was it easy? Oh my, NO! Did you get angry? Yes. Did you question God’s hand on your life? Yes. Did your faith falter? Never. Did I always get what I wanted? Rarely. Did God give me something better? YES!

I think of Job in the Bible. Job was afflicted financially, emotionally, and even spiritually. His animals died. His servants died. His children died. He became diseased. His friends condemned him. His wife chided him. And yet in all of it, Job didn’t sin. He didn’t whine and complain. He didn’t “curse God and die”. He remained steadfast to His God. At the end of his suffering, God blessed Job abundantly for his faithfulness to Him.

Friend, hold on. Stand firm. Weather the storm with assurance that “God’s got this!”

“Should we accept only good from God and not adversity?” Throughout all this Job did not sin in what he said. Job 2:10