He Makes Me Brave

I’ve been reading through a synopsis of the Bible, and today, I finished with the book of Revelation. This book has intrigued me since I was a child, but this morning, it hit me anew. John, the author of Revelation, was the same John who leaned on Jesus, John the Beloved.

The introduction to this amazing book begins with three visions John was given. They were fearful visions that caused him to “fall at His feet like a dead man” (Rev. 1:17). This was the same Lord Jesus who had leaned against and spent every day with for 3 years, but now the Lord was glorified and awesome. “Yet, in grace, He ministered to the fears of His servant….saying unto me ‘Fear not;'” (Exploring the Scriptures, John Phillips)

According to several search engines, there are over 300 references in the Bible in which God and His Son counsel us to not be afraid. I had tears in my eyes as I read this. Jesus reaching down to comfort His disciple, Jesus reaching down to comfort me with the words “Fear not”. You see, I’ve been in a season of having to do brave things. It isn’t easy. I often contemplate turning around and running, but God assures me to “stand strong and be of good courage”.

So what fears are you meeting head on today? Spend some time contemplating this and thank the Lord for helping you to be brave, reaching down and ministering to your fears. Then write them down in a journal, some place you can review how God helped you be brave.

My Bravery List:
~Sat by the bedside of my Dad as he lay dying
~Writing heartfelt poetry and having it read aloud at the Iowa Prayer Breakfast
~Closing up my piano studio and saying goodbye to my dear families
~Selling our home and buying a home over a video
~Moving across country to a place we didn’t know anyone
~Walking into multiple churches, trying to find a “home”
~Going into stores, restaurants, and other facilities by myself
~Reaching out to people I don’t know to explore options of publication, poetry society, and speaking engagements

#bebrave #inthesequietmoments #seasonswithmysavior #Hemakesmebrave