Meditate on these Things
What do you think when you are alone in the quietness of the moment? Where does your mind wander? What do you meditate on? If your mind was made public, would you be horrified for others to know your thoughts? Spoiler alert…God already knows your thoughts. As my dad would say, “How does that grab ya?”
My mind isn’t a place I’d like others unrestricted access to. If I’m honest, of all the struggles I face, the struggles in my mind are the hardest to control. In reading these verses, I’ve often skipped over the last part of verse 8. “Think on these things” or, as my version says, “dwell on these things.”
The definition of dwell denotes to be and to live, thus the state. To live in a state of being and living in that state of truth, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and praiseworthy, is where my mind needs to dwell.
What I choose to devote my mind to thinking about is what will spill out in moments of anger, frustration, or pride. It will also be what bubbles out when I’m joyful and excited.
I begin with prayer when I sense my mind is spiraling out of control in unhealthy behavior. Confessing this to my Heavenly Father brings comfort to my heart. Reading Scripture that addresses sinful habits or ungodly characteristics helps me and is a great way to spend meditating.
As I think or dwell on this familiar verse, I’m encouraged. These qualities bring about a sense of peace to my chaotic thoughts. God’s presence then supports and gives me confidence that I am becoming more like Him.
As the psalmist said, “Selah…mediate on these things.”
#seasonswithmysavior #inthesequietmoments