More Like Him

Spending time with our oldest daughter, she introduced me to new friends from their small group at church. As I visited with one particular young woman, I was amazed by her genuine and transparent conversation. After a few moments, she looked at me directly and said, “You are beautiful, just like your daughter. I knew when I met her that we would be good friends. She has a beautiful spirit, and I can see she gets it from you.”


I was taken aback and even had to choke back tears. The comment was more poignant than this young lady could even know at such an early stage in our friendship. Unfortunately, due to years of struggling with infertility, miscarriages, and a stillbirth, God finally blessed us with the birth of our two daughters. Their existence is a miracle. God allowed my body to be deemed “scientifically and medically” unable to become pregnant and carry a full-term pregnancy and to do it once and twice.


God’s creative expression of love is born in each baby’s life. We have been wonderfully and fearfully created and designed by the Author of Life. God is lovely and remarkable…so why wouldn’t His creation also be beautiful and wonderful? But more than the physical likeness is a spiritual likeness. As we grow as His children, we mature and become more like Him.  Others will see God’s likeness through our words, actions, and deeds when they see us.


May it be true of each of us that others would see our Heavenly Father reflected in our lives.


#seasonswithmysavior #inthesequietmoments