Star of Wonder
The Magi (wise men) traveled a great distance, following a miraculous star that led them to Jerusalem, searching for the King born in Bethlehem. In Jerusalem, they sought counsel from King Herod (Herod the Great), where the King of the Jews was born. Herod, fearing the security of his throne because he wasn’t fully Jewish, but Idumaean (descendent of Esau) plots to use the Magi to lead him to the “New King of the Jews” to commit murder.
No longer in the stable, the Magi entered the house in which Joseph and Mary lived with the child, Jesus. Presenting Him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, they worshipped Him with great reverence, falling to their knees. Gold, a symbol of divinity, recognizing Jesus as God in human form, was given in honor of the King of kings. Frankincense, a symbol of holiness worship, one day, Jesus would be offered up for the world’s sins. Myrrh, its bitter taste associated with the suffering Jesus would endure on the cross, foreshadowed the death of Jesus.
Ironically, only five miles from Bethlehem, the chief priests and scribes who would have known Micah 5:2, “Bethlehem…One will come from you to be ruler over Israel for Me…” did not go to see Him! The Magi, who were Gentiles, sought and found Jesus. The Jews did not.
The Magi sought the King. Herod opposed the King. The Jewish priests ignored the King. Which one are you this Christmas? Are you seeking, opposing, or ignoring Him? Prayerfully consider your heart’s position and kneel in worship to the Savior of the World.
“Star of wonder, star of night,
Star with royal beauty bright,Westward leading, still proceeding,
Guide us to thy perfect Light.”

#seasonswithmysavior #inthesequietmoments #Advent2023