Stick to the Trail
While hiking in the Red Rock Secret Mountain wilderness, what should have been (according to Google) an easy 1 and 1/2 hour hike in and out to Devil’s Bridge, was anything but easy. I would say at times between moderate and difficult, sometimes climbing over and up rock faces. The 6 mile hike that started at 8:00 a.m. did not see closure until well after 12 pm. And while it started at 50°, it skyrocketed to the upper 90°’s. It was a hot, dry, dusty trail that found me wanting to commit mutiny as I questioned Dave’s trail leadership on the winding mountain paths.
I began to think about the many people that we came across on the trail. Many had no idea how to get to their destination, asking everyone along the way. Some were very confident in their hiking abilities, only to double back letting us know with chagrin that they got lost. Still there were others like us, carefully following a map and the trail signs. And while I did trust my husband, there were times I didn’t trust him completely because I did not recognize the path.
In those moments, God gave me a picture with Jesus as our Trail Guide. Jesus said he is the only way, the truth and the life. Again, my mind went to the young couple that was hiking up with only a 16 oz bottle of water. Would others take pity on them and give them more water as the trail got harder? And for those that didn’t know where they were going, how would they know the way except for someone to tell them? And for those who were confident in their abilities and yet discovered that they didn’t know where they were going, how many others did they lead astray?
Are you walking without any direction today? Does the trail look complicated and challenging? Where are you looking for guidance along this path we call life?
Jesus Christ is truly the only way. Even though the path may be treacherous, difficult, and at times seemingly impossible to climb, he leads us along with his strong right hand, his staff and his rod protecting us. At the end of the trail, he will allow us to lay down by those cool refreshing streams of water and rest. John 14
#seasonswithmysavior #inthesequietmoments #psalm23 #redrocksecretmountainwilderness