Beautiful Feet…Good News
I recently traveled to my home state for a visit with some friends. What joy to stay with them, talking late and waking early to share morning coffee. As I would go to another person’s house, the questions were almost consistently the same. “How is Dave? How are you doing? Have you found a church? What have you gotten involved in doing? Have you made any friends?” I would begin sharing my “good news” with them.
When it was time for me to leave, it was always bittersweet. It wasn’t a long enough visit; we hadn’t said all we wanted to say, and our hearts were already looking forward to the next time we could be together. Tears would flow out of love for these dear people in my life. The words of encouragement, hope, and love were a balm to my heart. I didn’t want to leave!
When I read Mary’s great song of praise, I realize that there is a verse that is often left out, unread, and unexplored, but it has significant meaning. Luke 1:56: “And Mary stayed with her {Elizabeth} about three months; then she returned to her home.” These two incredible ladies of faith joined in the bonds of being family, but also spiritually, delighted to extend Mary’s stay until John’s birth. Whether she was there for his actual birth or left shortly before he was born isn’t known, but the reality was that these women had much to talk about since both of their sons would play a significant role in God’s plan of providing salvation to the world.
How beautiful it would have been to Elizabeth’s heart to have Mary bring her news of Nazareth and share how God spoke to her through the angel Gabriel. But how affirming it would have been to Mary to have Elizabeth tell of her husband, Zechariah’s encounter with the angel Gabriel. What a comfort to both to talk freely and openly about God having brought the Good News of Immanuel’s birth and His forerunner, John the Baptist, who would declare the Good News.
As you enter the Advent season more deeply, reflect on whether you are one who beautifully brings good news, peace, and good tidings to your family get-togethers or work parties. May God’s favor rest on you.

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