Help My Unbelief

“I do believe! Help my unbelief.” Mark 9:24 HCSB

The father of the epileptic son was desperate for his beloved male child to be healed from the
convulsions that threatened to cause physical damage. From birth, this child suffered from
debilitating seizures made worse by the evil intentions of the demons inside him. Approaching
the disciples, the father begged them to heal his son; much to their embarrassment, they could
not cast out the demons.

Jesus, Peter, James, and John were returning from the Mount of Transfiguration when the
crowd caught sight of Him. Immediately, the entire group was amazed and ran to greet Him.
Then, caught up in the multitude of people, the father answered Jesus’ query regarding the
scribes and His disciples’ disputation. “Teacher, I brought my Son to You.”

Have you ever expected to see someone of authority only to be greeted by an underling who
could not fulfill your request? I’m sure the father was more than disappointed and perhaps a
little frustrated. The child’s condition had continued to worsen, and the father was at the end
of his rope.

When Jesus found out His disciples could not cast out the demon, He cried out in
exasperation, “You unbelieving generation! How long will I be with you? How long must I put
up with you?” Jesus had given all power and authority to the disciples (Mark 3:15, 6:7). Yet, due
to carelessness in their spiritual walk, while Jesus was away or because they had neglected to
devote themselves to a time of prayer and fasting, they were unable to heal the boy.

Not only was Jesus dealing with the disciples’ lack of faith, but the struggling faith of the child’s
father. “If You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” Boldly, the father begs
Jesus to “Help my unbelief!” How often are we caught in the struggle of our faith walk? We
know the truths we read in Scripture with our head, but our heart falters with unbelief and
skepticism, or we’ve become cynical. What do you do in those moments? Do you continue to
walk in disbelief or self-sufficiency, questioning the goodness of God for your life? Or do you,
like this father, cry in desperation to your Good Father, “Lord, help me in my unbelief?”

As Christ-followers, our faith must be cultivated, much like a field, the ground dug up and
turned over repeatedly to ready the soil of our hearts to plant that tiny mustard seed of faith. God
waters and nourishes our faith through our spiritual discipline and dedication to Him just as He
cultivates the soil of our hearts, plants the seed, and nurtures it.

Be encouraged, Dear One. God already knows your heart and struggles and is waiting for you to cry out to Him.
Trust Him to strengthen your faith. Through this simple yet potent prayer, God stands ready to respond in compassion and love. AJW

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