Help My Unbelief

“I do believe! Help my unbelief.” Mark 9:24 HCSB The father of the epileptic son was desperate for his beloved male child to be healed from the convulsions that threatened to cause physical damage. From birth, this child suffered from debilitating seizures made worse by the evil intentions of the demons inside him. Approaching the disciples, the father begged them …

tune, instrument, word of God, prayer, harmony

Joy in Harmony with God

This past weekend, I hosted my first concert performance in honor of my non-profit organization. The vocalists and pianists presented their music. Their music was inspirational and motivational. While teaching piano lessons the previous week, some students hadn’t practiced well. “Play for accuracy,” I would say, “Don’t just play your music, mistakes and all, and call it good. Instead, take …


“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Ephesians 6:18 It’s as natural as breathing Praying Slowing my thoughts in focused Meditation Bringing before the Lord my loved ones Intercession Reminding God of His promises Petitions In …

Divine Prayer

When Dave and I were first married, we desired to have a large family. Year after year went by, but no children. Each month was a disappointment. We prayed individually and together, earnestly and fervently that God would bless us with children. After celebrating our 5th anniversary, we found out we were pregnant with our oldest daughter, Kylie. It was …