Have you lost your MARVELS?

I know we are now a month out from Christmas, but I recently heard a Pastor give a message on the birth of Christ asking us as a congregation if we had “Lost our Marvels?”  It gained some snickers, nervous laughter, and shifting uncomfortably in the church seats.  He let it hang in the air before clarifying what he was …

Mary’s Song

Mary’s song of praise continues to bring to mind the many ways God has shown Himself faithful to His people. In her song, she praises the Lord for His mercy from generation to generation. Then she extols Him for performing mighty deeds with His arm…but He has lifted up the humble. That’s what she was. A humble young teenage girl. …


I have a wonderful friend named Barb. She is the epitome of a grace-filled woman. There was a time when I was letting my emotions get the best of me in a situation. Calmly and lovingly, she sat me down and began a conversation, “Now listen…” At that moment, I understood what Paul was saying to the church at Ephesus …