Look Up

In Numbers 21:4-9, the children of Israel rebelled against God and were punished for their sins by being bitten by fiery serpents. Many people died. Moses interceded on behalf of the people, and God provided a remedy, salvation, for them. He told Moses to make a brass serpent and lift it up for everyone to see. If they looked up …

Perfectly Redeemed in My Imperfection

I learned the art of sweeping hardwood floors at an early age. My Mom required near perfection when we helped clean the house on Saturday mornings. She felt that if we learned to do something well, it would serve us into our adult years. In college and for many years after that, I often worked as a housekeeper to earn …

A New Name

Thirty-one years ago, my husband asked me to be his wife. As we dreamed and planned, one of the most moving statements Dave made to me was, “I can’t wait for you to have my last name.” It was kind of scary to think that my “identity” would change, and yet, it wouldn’t change. I was scared of what was …

Fruitful Fasting

Tonight ends my 3-day fast. It has been an experience. At first, I was consumed with thoughts of food. Then my body began to react to the lack of nourishment. Today, my muscles are jumping, my brain is foggy, and I’m physically weak. BUT, in all that my spirit is strong and God has been working and moving in quiet, …